Sunday, September 30, 2012

September's Newsletter

Sorry September's been slow, everyone. I'm getting back into the swing of school (after a year-long break due to job-searching), and that means that the four classes I signed up for have precedence over writing. Which means I've had... no writing time whatsoever. You'd be surprised how busy one can be with just four classes... It's annoying because I can only devote myself to three classes at most when I get the time to study... leaving one class to come back to later, when I've sufficiently studied in at least one class...

So, no Posts, no updates... and I apologize. The good news is: In about a month, give or take a little leeway maybe, I will have finished the one hybrid course that I am enrolled in. What's a hybrid course? Well... Picture a normal, 16-week class, compress that into 8 weeks, and there you go. It's very exhilirating, and I had no idea what I was signing up for, but I'm performing fairly well despite the quick pace.

Anyway... Even after that one class ends, the three remaining classes will still hold precedence over everything else, but at least I'll be able to have time to write, when I'm not obligated to thoroughly study. Just give me a month, give or take a little leeway, and my schedule should clear up even just a little bit.

Sorry to bore you with my college life, but I felt compelled to give a reason for the lack of Posts and updates. Unfortunately, due to college, not much has happened in the planning stages. I will confess some finer details were worked out for Hsi Wu's episode, and potential details for the two-parter of this Season (Episodes 7 and 8). I don't want to spoil anything right now - Hsi Wu's episode may turn out more interesting than I initially thought, and Episodes 7 and 8 will possess some significance. I will comment on 7 and 8 later down the line...

Apologies again for the lack of Posts and updates! I will consider putting up a poll soon.
