I'd say that Chapter 16 is roughly halfway there... The major fight scenes are coming up in the writing stages, and Jamey's been offering good input so far. Chapter 17 isn't in the writing stages yet, but it IS being talked about at this point, as I write for Chapter 16... A synopsis should be drawn up, before Chapter 16 is published... Chapter 17, as has been stated in an earlier post, features the return of Queen Jade, and gives a brief reprieve from the Demon Portal Hunt.
I don't want to say much more, as I'm pretty sure you'll like how Chapter 16 comes out... I can't give a definitive date for publication, because of the holidays, but do know that Chapter 16 is around halfway done, and should be out before Christmas... Hopefully... Chapter 17 hopefully sometime before January 7. Apologies for the wait, but it was out of my hands, and will be out of my hands again, when college starts up again. My studies come first and foremost - I had little time for anything else. All I can say is sorry for all the waiting...
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